Friday, April 18, 2008

First Blog

Well, my wife has one so I thought why not I guess guys can blog too. You would think me being in the IT field I would have done this sooner, but my wife's blog gave me the inspiration. My wife, Bonnie is the greatest gift God has ever given me out side His Son Jesus. I want use this blog to encourage Fathers and their sons to grow close together and to love one another. It is so difficult these day to communicate especially with your sons. My boys are the greatest ( I know I am biased) they love God and attend church regularly. They are active in their youth group and participate in anything they can. I thank God for them every day. It only takes a few minutes a day to get to know them, so dads please take the time to, if you don't the world will. I am not perfect by all means, I spent 8 years working for Uncle Sam and was not there for my sons, but I am now and taking advantage of any time I can. My hope and prayer for all dads is to get to know your children, they need you. Thanks.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

It looks very nice. I love you too. Love, Bonnie